Itsuki "Ikki" Minami, is a student and a delinquent. Also known as the "Unbeatable Babyface", Ikki is the leader of the youth gang by the name of "East Side Gunz". Upon his return home, after being humiliated by a Storm Rider team called the Skull Saders, Ikki discovers a secret hidden from him by his benefactors, the Noyamano sisters. The sisters belong to a group of Storm Riders who go by the team name of Sleeping Forest. In the anime, learning the sisters' secret angers him and he steals a pair of Air Trecks, abbreviated as "AT". (In the manga, the sisters give a pair of ATs to him and invite him to skate with them.) Ikki eventually settles his grudge with the Skull Saders, but in the process he receives more than the simple satisfaction of revenge. Determined to experience the sensation of "flight" for as long as he can, Ikki is quickly engaged in the mysterious, irresistible world of Air Treks.
1. Trick Itsuki "Ikki" Minami, is a student and a delinquent. Also known as the "Unbeatable Babyface", Ikki is the leader of the youth gang by the name of "East Side Gunz". Upon his return home, after being humiliated by a Storm Rider team called the Skull Saders, Ikki discovers a secret hidden from him by his benefactors, the Noyamano sisters. The sisters belong to a group of Storm Riders who go by the team name of Sleeping Forest. In the anime, learning the sisters' secret angers him and he steals a pair of Air Trecks, abbreviated as "AT". (In the manga, the sisters give a pair of ATs to him and invite him to skate with them.) Ikki eventually settles his grudge with the Skull Saders, but in the process he receives more than the simple satisfaction of revenge. Determined to experience the sensation of "flight" for as long as he can, Ikki is quickly engaged in the mysterious, irresistible world of Air Treks.
2. "Screams of the Rez-Boa Dogs
3. Enter the Night Kings
4. A Battle for Kazu, Onigiri, and My Pride
5. My Body, My Heart Is Being Set Aflame
6. It's a Rematch! I'll Get My Emblem Back!
7. What's Wrong with Rejection? Onigiri, We're Comrades!
8. Defeat Orihara-sensei's Supllementary Exam: Let's Rediscover Ton-chan-sensei's Past
9. Clash! Buffalo vs. Great White Shark
10. Agito, I'll Drag You Up from the Bottom of the Well
11. Team Kogarasumaru Take-off
12. She's Finally Here: the Savior Rider
13. What Do You Mean by Icarus' Wings? I'll Show You My Talent, Rika-nee
14.Collision! The Old "> New Sky King's Heir vs. the Old "> New Sleeping Forest
15. I'll Cut Off the Shackle of Thorns
16. Let's Go, Kogarasumaru!
17. The Cube Battle in Hell: Kogarasumaru Evolves
18. Finally a Win.
19. The Fang's Regalia of destiny is howling!
20. It's finally the end.
21. Genesis strikes!
22. The battle for Agito's documents!
23. Genesis's Kansai Division Appears
24. A true spirit's battle!
25. I'm a genius!
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